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Explo­ra­tion dril­ling

Dril­ling rig sys­tem for extreme rug­ged con­di­ti­ons

Ramming rotary
dril­ling rig

Dril­ling rigs for robust requi­re­ments Our RDBS series pile dri­ving rigs Scheitza are per­fectly matched dril­ling rigs for soil explo­ra­tion or well construction. No mat­ter whe­ther with our ECO pile ham­mer , rope core equip­ment, Immloch­ham­mer or dry dril­ling, these uni­ver­sal dril­ling rigs can per­form any dril­ling method eco­no­mic­ally.
Core dril­ling

Rotary dril­ling

Core dril­ling. Our DBS series rotary dril­ling rigs Scheitza are exactly tuned dril­ling rigs for core dril­ling. High rota­tio­nal speeds of the KDK’s deter­mine the cha­rac­te­ristics of the dril­ling rig, a high pres­sure pis­ton pump com­ple­ments the machine.
Soil inves­ti­ga­tion rigs

Pile dri­ving
dril­ling rig

Fully hydrau­lic pile-dri­ven core dril­ling rig type RZBS 1.5 moun­ted on a craw­ler under­car­riage with auto­ma­tic pul­ling unit.
Spe­cial pro­jects

Explo­ra­tion dril­ling

EBS 250 – 1000