
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Kon­takt

icon_widget_image Waldstr. 1, 84149 Velden/Vils icon_widget_image +49 (8742) 96 87-0 +49 (8742) 96 87 – 22 icon_widget_image info@botec-scheitza.de

Explore the Fea­tures

Dril­ling plant

At the Velden/Vils loca­tion, we manu­fac­ture the most modern dril­ling rig technology accor­ding to the latest stan­dards.
We not only offer dril­ling equip­ment spe­ci­fi­cally for your appli­ca­tion, but also pro­duce an indi­vi­dual com­plete sys­tem that also includes the pro­duc­tion of dril­ling access­ories and our ram ham­mer.
Explore the Fea­tures

Envi­ron­men­tal engineering
plant construction

The depart­ment for envi­ron­men­tal plant construction at Botec-Scheitza GmbH has spe­cia­li­zed in pipe­line plant construction. The range of ser­vices includes pipe­line and plant construction in steel and stain­less steel.
  • Plant construction and engineering
  • Fil­ter sepa­ra­tion technology
  • Well head and risers

Our fields of appli­ca­tion

  • Food
  • Muni­ci­pal was­te­wa­ter
  • Sewage sludge
  • Slurry tre­at­ment
  • Recy­cling
  • Dril­ling technology
  • Pla­s­tic
  • Mine­ral
  • Mining indus­try
  • uvm.



Spe­cial civil engineering

Fil­ter sepa­ra­tion technology

Explo­ra­tion dril­ling

Well head and risers

Well and geothermal energy

Dril­ling access­ories

Plant construction and engineering

Trans­port equip­ment

Mining decline

We offer mining accep­tance tests in accordance with Sec­tion 39 Bay­BergV and sys­te­ma­tic tests in accordance with Sec­tion 4 Para­graph 1 Bay­Bergv on dril­ling rigs from the manu­fac­tu­rer Botec-Scheitza GmbH with a maxi­mum per­mis­si­ble load of the pull and push sys­tem of 500 kN in our com­pany or at your depot. Andreas Scheitza has been a reco­gni­zed expert accor­ding to §23a ABBergV since 2019.
After the 1‑year intern­ship with Hubert Bogu­mil, the sub­se­quent exami­na­tion at the Bava­rian State Minis­try for Eco­no­mic Affairs, Regio­nal Deve­lo­p­ment and Energy (StMWi) fol­lo­wed.


  • Initial inspec­tion of dril­ling rigs UVV +
  • Mining inspec­tion Recur­ring mining inspec­tion every 4 years
  • Repair/modification of your dril­ling rig with sub­se­quent mining appr­oval