
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Kon­takt

icon_widget_image Waldstr. 1, 84149 Velden/Vils icon_widget_image +49 (8742) 96 87-0 +49 (8742) 96 87 – 22 icon_widget_image info@botec-scheitza.de


[mkdf_elements_holder holder_full_height=„no“ number_of_columns=„two-columns“ switch_to_one_column=„1024“ alignment_one_column=„“][mkdf_elements_holder_item item_padding=„0px 90px 8px 80px“ item_padding_1025_1366=„0px 20px 0 50px“ item_padding_769_1024=„57px 260px 0 0px“ item_padding_681_768=„57px 120px 0 0px“ item_padding_680=„57px 0px 0 0px“ item_padding_1367_1600=„0px 120px 0 50px“][mkdf_section_title type=„standard“ posi­tion=““ title_tag=„h2“ disable_break_words=„no“ text_tag=““ text_font_weight=„400“ title=„Training“ title_break_words=„2“ text=„Secure your future!“ text_font_size=„18“ text_margin=„20“ intro_title=„Made in Bava­ria“ text_line_height=„26“ text_color=„#565969“ intro_title_color=„#565969“]
We offer the fol­lo­wing app­ren­ti­ce­ships:
  • Machi­nist (m/f/d)
  • Pre­cis­ion mechanic/mechanical engineering (m/f/d)
  • Manage­ment assistant for office manage­ment

Why actually start an app­ren­ti­ce­ship in the skil­led trades? There are many good reasons for this. This video from the Cham­ber of Crafts shows you the advan­ta­ges of such trai­ning:

You can read an exci­ting news­pa­per report about how an app­ren­ti­ce­ship works at our com­pany under the fol­lo­wing link! Click here for the news­pa­per report

We offer you:
  • tar­get-ori­en­ted trai­ning
  • inter-com­pany mea­su­res
  • per­so­nal chal­lenges
  • If sui­ta­ble, employ­ment after the app­ren­ti­ce­ship
  • diver­si­fied tasks
In return, we expect:
  • the qua­li­fy­ing secon­dary school lea­ving cer­ti­fi­cate as a mini­mum requi­re­ment
  • the ability to work in a team
  • Per­so­nal initia­tive
  • Ambi­tion and fle­xi­bi­lity
  • Relia­bi­lity and per­so­nal com­mit­ment
More infor­ma­tion (pro­fes­sio­nal pro­files) on the pro­fes­si­ons:
  • Machi­nist
  • Pre­cis­ion mecha­nic
  • Manage­ment assistant for office manage­ment
Please send appli­ca­ti­ons to:

Botec-Scheitza GmbH
Mr. Scheitza
Forest road 1
84149 Velden/Vils
Tel.: 08742/9687–0
E‑mail: karriere@botec-scheitza.de
