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Drilling equip­ment

Drilling equip­ment

Prod­uct list drilling tools

Pump unit

Mono pump

The BOTEC pump unit ensures that you can do your work quickly and effi­ciently. The BOTEC monop­ump is a par­tic­u­larly pow­er­ful pump unit that is durable and reli­ably ready for use.

Tech­ni­cal data

Type: PA-25
Capac­ity: 25 m³/h — 20 bar

Aux­il­iary com­pres­sors

The screw com­pres­sor is installed and assem­bled with a direct drive, an oil cooler, a clutch, clutch bell and all the nec­es­sary brack­ets in a sta­ble frame with sound­proof cladding that is equipped with both crane hooks and fork­lift pock­ets. The nec­es­sary con­nec­tions are off­set inwards and eas­ily acces­si­ble on the hous­ing frame.
  • 2x air con­nec­tions 1 ½” (con­nec­tion is deter­mined by the cus­tomer)
  • 3x hydraulic con­nec­tions with high pres­sure quick cou­pling
  • 3x hydraulic hoses 8 m long
  • Elec­tri­cal sup­ply with all nec­es­sary cables and Hart­ing con­nec­tors
  • All nec­es­sary con­trol instru­ments are mounted clearly vis­i­ble on the frame
  • Con­trol and main­te­nance units are mounted
  • Paint RAL2011

BOTEC Haspel

Mobile reel for well regen­er­a­tion with hydraulic hose wind­ing and unwind­ing DN 50–2

The BOTEC reel was spe­cially devel­oped for the effi­cient exe­cu­tion of a well reha­bil­i­ta­tion. The proven BOTEC Ele­vate serves as the start­ing unit: a crawler vehi­cle that you can maneu­ver agilely and flex­i­bly to all loca­tions on the construction site.

Tech­ni­cal data:
  • Width: 1150mm
  • Drum: ø508mm
  • Hose capac­ity: 90m
  • Water hose: DN50/PN20 (2″)
  • ZSM con­nec­tor pin 2″
  • Com­pat­i­ble with the pow­er­pack from the Botec Ele­vate
  • Hydraulic quick cou­plings for easy dis­as­sem­bly
  • Mechan­i­cal rewinder
  • Vari­able speed adjust­ment