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Well head and risers

In-house pro­duc­tion

Well head
and risers

Our well heads and risers are devel­oped and pro­duced in our in-house pro­duc­tion and envi­ron­men­tal technology depart­ment.
The high-ten­sile push-in socket con­nec­tion – ZSM for short – is one of the restrained and detach­able pipe con­nec­tions. This com­mon con­nec­tion enables the risers to be installed and removed quickly.

We offer risers and well heads in the fol­low­ing tech­ni­cal designs:

Designs risers
  • Dimen­sion: DN 50–250
  • Mate­r­ial: 1.4301 / 1.4571
  • Length: 1000–6000mm
  • Seal­ing with two O‑rings
  • pick­led and pas­si­vated

A cor­re­spond­ing data sheet is avail­able on request!

Designs well head
  • Dimen­sion: D100- DN2500
  • Mate­r­ial: 1.4301 / 1.4571
  • Con­nec­tions: ZSM con­nec­tion/pre-weld flange (accord­ing to your spec­i­fi­ca­tions).
  • Impor­tant: Man­u­fac­tur­ing only takes place after approved draw­ing!