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Rotary drilling rig

Core drilling

Botec-Scheitza Dreh­bohr­anlage

Our Scheitza DBS-series are intri­cately coör­di­nated drilling sys­tems for core drilling. High drilling speed and a high-pres­sure pis­ton pump are char­ac­ter­is­tic of the DBS series.
  • Well construction
  • Sub­soil explo­ration drilling/excavation drilling
  • Geo­log­i­cal and hydro­log­i­cal sur­vey
  • Ground­wa­ter mon­i­tor­ing wells
Drilling technology:
  • Rope core drilling
  • Down-the-hole ham­mer drilling
  • Dry drilling
  • Flush drilling
  • Power head
  • Aux­il­iary winch
  • Flush­ing pump
  • Inter­cep­tion / crush­ing device
  • Boom length 1–4mtr.

Pre­sen­ta­tion of


DBS Mini
Scheitza Mini rotary drilling rig

Extract from the data sheet:

Weight: (up to 5 to.)
Max. Torque: 2000 Nm
Max. Trac­tive force: 2 to.
Max. Width: 1,2 — 1,4 mtr.
Max. Drilling diam­e­ter: ø120
Engine power: 55 kW


DBS‑M 6.0 — 9.0
Rotary drilling rig Scheitza M

Extract from the data sheet:

Weight: (6–9 to.)
Max. Torque: 7,000 Nm
Max. Trac­tive force: 5 to.
Max. Width: 1,6 mtr.
Max. Bore diam­e­ter: ø273
Engine power: 90 kW


DBS‑L 10.0 — 13.0
Rotary drilling rig Scheitza L

Extract from the data sheet:

Weight: (10–13 to.)
Max. Torque: 7.000 Nm
Max. Trac­tive force: 6 to.
Max. Width: 1,8 mtr.
Max. Drill diam­e­ter: ø324
Engine power: 90 kW


DBS-XL and DBS-XL Truck 14.0 — 20.0
Scheitza XL rotary drilling rig

Extract from the data sheet:

Weight: (14–20 to.)
Max. Torque: 13.000 Nm
Max. Trac­tive force: 9 to.
Max. Width: 2,0 mtr.
Max. Drill diam­e­ter: ø419
Engine power: 140 kW


DBS Giant from 21.0
Scheitza Gigant rotary drilling rig

Extract from the data sheet:

Weight: (from 21 to.)
Max. Torque: 18.000 Nm
Max. Trac­tive force: 14 to.
Max. Width: 2,2 mtr.
Max. Drill diam­e­ter: ø419
Engine power: 225 kW