
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Kon­takt

icon_widget_image Waldstr. 1, 84149 Velden/Vils icon_widget_image +49 (8742) 96 87-0 +49 (8742) 96 87 – 22 icon_widget_image info@botec-scheitza.de
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Made in Bavaria


Wel­come to the world of BOTEC-SCHEITZA. Since 1978 we man­u­fac­ture and sell spe­cial­ized drilling devices and acces­sories. We offer the best com­bi­na­tions of drilling tools and drilling sys­tems for every kind of drilling process.
Pre­ven­tive ser­vice

The deliv­ery of the drilling rig marks the begin­ning of a part­ner­ship for the life of the sys­tem. Because you can only be sat­is­fied with your invest­ment if the machine meets your expec­ta­tions in every­day use.

That is why our com­pe­tent prod­uct spe­cial­ists in sales, ser­vice and pro­duc­tion are avail­able to you as pro­fes­sional con­tacts in all mat­ters.
— We pro­vide in-depth train­ing and instruc­tion for your employ­ees.
— A pow­er­ful ser­vice team ensures that your pro­duc­tion processes are safe­guarded.
— For inspec­tion, pre­ven­tive main­te­nance and ser­vice main­te­nance, we offer cus­tomized
Pack­ages of mea­sures and time inter­vals opti­mized to your require­ments.


Repair ser­vice

BOTEC machines are mature, robust and durable. But even with the best main­te­nance and care, defects can still occur. Our inno­v­a­tive spare parts man­age­ment ensures that orig­i­nal-qual­ity wear and spare parts are avail­able for your sys­tems quickly and reli­ably to avoid expen­sive down­times in your pro­duc­tion.

BOTEC orig­i­nal spare parts are man­u­fac­tured to exact spec­i­fi­ca­tions in the high­est qual­ity. State-of-the-art machin­ery, lean struc­tures and ded­i­cated employ­ees ensure timely deliv­ery.