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icon_widget_image Waldstr. 1, 84149 Velden/Vils icon_widget_image +49 (8742) 96 87-0 +49 (8742) 96 87 – 22 icon_widget_image info@botec-scheitza.de
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Plant construction and engineering

The Botec-Scheitza envi­ron­men­tal depart­ment spe­cial­izes in pipeline engineering plant construction. The range of ser­vices includes pipeline and plant construction in steel and stain­less steel.


Our ser­vices:

Ini­tial sit­u­a­tion: Your spec­i­fi­ca­tions / P&ID flow­chart


  1. Pre-engi­neer­ing/fea­si­bil­ity
  2. Basic engineering/setup plan
  3. Detail Engineering 3D Plan­ning
  4. Pro­duc­tion draw­ing

Plant engineering:

  1. Pipeline construction
  2. Appa­ra­tus engineering
  3. Mechan­i­cal Engineering

Areas of appli­ca­tion:
Food | Munic­i­pal waste­water | Sewage sludge Slurry treat­ment | Recy­cling | Drilling technology Plas­tics | Min­eral indus­try | Min­ing indus­try Drink­ing water | Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, paper & chem­i­cal indus­try Bioen­ergy | etc.

Plant construction
with cen­trifuges

From engineering to pack­age units to the imple­men­ta­tion of com­plete sys­tems. We sup­port the cus­tomer in every project phase. It does­n’t mat­ter whether the cus­tomer sup­plies com­po­nents or whether the pro­cure­ment is in our hands — we include you, the cus­tomer, in the deci­sion-mak­ing process. We offer the fol­low­ing prod­ucts in plant construction for envi­ron­men­tal technology: Racks and skids — sys­tem sys­tems, mobile con­tainer sys­tems, sta­tion­ary con­tainer sys­tems, sta­tion­ary construction, spe­cial construction

Plant construction
with curved screen

Com­plete engineering and instal­la­tion of a waste water treat­ment plant for a food com­pany. Option­ally with or with­out auto­matic clean­ing. Sta­tic sep­a­ra­tion of solids from waste water and process water.
Com­plete engineering and instal­la­tion of a waste­water treat­ment plant for a food com­pany.
  • Gas-tight curved screen BS1800 with 100m³/h under ATEX atmos­phere
  • Build­ings, tanks and pip­ing V4A (1.4571)
  • Solid-liq­uid sep­a­ra­tion
  • Site assem­bly
  • Flow dia­grams
Tech­ni­cal data:

Gap width: 150μm — 6mm
Flow rate: 0–1000 m³/h
Sieve vari­a­tions: BS500-BS2000
Auto­matic clean­ing patent pend­ing!

  • CIP
  • gas-tight curved screens
  • sta­tic curved screens
  • Purifi­ca­tion plant
Field of appli­ca­tion:
  • Food (hygienic design)
  • Munic­i­pal waste­water
  • Min­ing and min­eral indus­try
  • Bio­gas plants
  • Starch and sugar indus­try
  • etc.
Explore the Fea­tures


The basis is your flow chart with plant spec­i­fi­ca­tions. 1. pre-engi­neer­ing/fea­si­bil­ity, 2. basic engineering/concept plan­ning, 3. detail engineering/3D plan­ning lay­out design